Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sleeve Drafting

So, I have a girlfriend who I keep in touch with and gab about professional patternmaking things, as that is what we both are - professional pattern makers. hehe. I was going through some things to forward to her in an email, and decided that this would be a cool one to include on ye olde blogge. This is a sleeve pattern that I came across this summer at the Santa Fe Opera. Apparantly, its been around and a lot of people know about it, well, a lot of New York patternmakers. But it was news to me. Its a very fitted two piece sleeve with a built in gusset. My draper called it a tah-dah sleeve, cause that's the noise you should make when you're able to lift your arms up over your head. Its got a funky piece that can either be cut in one with the top sleeve, or cut as a third piece. The most I can guess, is that the reason one would cut it in three pieces, is so that with her arms at her side, it would have the same seams as a regular, suit type two piece sleeve. Anyone have any other ideas? Ever seen this/used it? It worked out nicely on a variety of different costumes and sizes. Oh, and sorry that the bottom of the over sleeve got cut off, but, it didnt all fit in my scanner. I figure that if you REALLY want to blow this up (each square equals one inch), you can compare the over arm with the underarm and make it work. ha!

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