Friday, October 30, 2009

Pattern Magic! (click to buy)

So my coworker received these books from a sister who found them at a Japanese book store in San Francisco. Since then they have made fun pattern chit chat but nothing more. I finally decided to try my hand at one and boy was it fun! There are sooo many cool drafts to choose from, but I eventually settled on the one that you see here. Its a collared bodice with a neck tie cut in one. Awesome, huh? The book utilizes flat patterning techniques to achieve all its whacky designs which i love. as i didn't learn flat patterning in school, im fascinated by those who can use it exclusively to create things that i almost always imagine myself draping. As the book is almost ENTIRELY in japanese, and i am but a silly english speaking american i had to go at it with only my knowledge of patternmaking/draping and my ability to read diagrams. i think the effect was definitely nicely achieved. i used a different collar pattern than the one in the book as it is one that i find to be particularly attractive (from masaki kawashima's funamentals of men's fashion design). also of note, if anyone is interested in purchasing these books (there are two, i used the second one for this pattern), is that the patterns shown in the book do not always include facings or non symmetrical pieces. in this blouse for example, the left front bodice pattern is very different from the right as it does not include the tie, and has to be lengthened toward center front to be hidden beneath the tie. they also do not show the facing piece that is needed for the tie. i discovered these things as i actually went to sew the garment together, not necessarily as i made the pieces. anyway! it was a very fun project, and i think a graduate student may use the pattern to actually make herself this blouse which would be very exciting! below are the pages included in the book, and some photos of my patterns (without facings and asymmetries) and my finished mock up. enjoy!


  1. Hey David,
    I translate japanese as part of my job,
    let me know if there is anything you can't work out!
